Core Values
The staff and administration of Apostolic Christian Academy are guided by the following values and principles:
- The consistent pursuit of excellence
- Academic excellence and life-preparation
- Integrity and character in leadership
- Servanthood as a basis for leadership
- The supremacy of Jesus Christ and His Word
- Development of Christian worldview
Biblical Principles
We firmly believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, inerrant, reliable, and holding the key to every human need.
- See John 5:39; Matt. 24:35; I Tim. 3:16; II Peter 2:21.
We believe that there is only one God (Deut. 6:4) who has manifested Himself to the world in the person of Jesus Christ (1 Tim. 3:16). The divine nature that resided in Christ was the selfsame Jehovah of the Old Testament and the Holy Spirit of the Church Age.
- See Isa. 9:16; John 1:1; John 8:58; John 14:8-11; John 14:16-18; 2 Cor. 3:17; Col. 2:9-10.
We teach that a born again believer should please God in every aspect of his life. The Scriptures make clear that dress, conduct, amusements, speech and all other activities are important to basic Christianity.
- See Rom. 12:1-2; I Cor. 11:1-15; Gal. 5:16-26; Deut. 22:5; Ps. 101:3; 1Tim. 2:9; 1 Pet. 3:3-4.
Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8). God can heal, deliver, and work miracles in the twentieth century just as He did in the first. We have the right and confidence to trust Him for this in Jesus' Name.
- See John 16:24; Acts 1:8; James 5:13-18.
We look for the literal, personal return of Christ; first to rapture His Church (I Thess. 4:17-18), and secondly, to set up a kingdom that shall rule in peace.
- See Acts 1:11, I Tim. 4:8, Rev. 20:6.
We consider the education, training, and development of students with a Christian worldview to be a Biblical mandate and a responsibility of the Church.
- See II Tim. 2:15, II Pet 1:10, Prov 1:7, Titus 2:7-8